Monday, March 19, 2012

Easter Photos 2012

Just uploaded the pictures we took last weekend. We barricaded off a small area in the yard and put in a bunny, chickens, ducks, and toddlers! We got some wonderful pictures and everybody had a really good time. Somehow none of the animals or children were injured.

If you came we really appreciate it and hope we can do it again next year. Enjoy the pictures by clicking on the photo.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Nancy and Chad's Family Pictures

Had a great time a couple of weeks ago taking pictures with Chad and Nancy and Family. They have wonderful Doggies and as you can see Nancy is pregnant ~ with TWINS! Yay! betcha can't wait to see those pictures!

I want to thank Nancy and Chad both for putting up with the intrusion as I turned the living room into a mini studio. I should apologize to the little, and not so little, doggies too.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Valentines Day Sweetness!

I know I am posting this so late. I really need to get better at posting on the blog! Cash didn't take this long growing the moustache :)